Report launch: physical activity promotion in primary healthcare – 21 June at 14.00-15.00 BST/15.00-16.00 CEST

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WCRF International is pleased to invite you to attend the launch webinar for our 4th Building Momentum report on establishing robust policies to promote physical activity in primary healthcare.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 21 June at 14.00-15.00 BST/15.00-16.00 CEST

The report addresses key issues and potential barriers to policy adoption and identifies policy processes and components for effective policy design.

The webinar will feature:

    • Presentation of the report by Kendra Chow, Policy & Public Affairs Manager, WCRF International
    • Policies to promote physical activity in primary healthcare in Sweden – Iréne Nilsson Carlsson, Senior Public Health Advisor, National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden
    • Promoting physical activity in primary healthcare in the UK – Dr. William Bird, GP, CEO and Founder of Intelligent Health, UK
Click here to register to attend

World NCD Congress 25 to 30 June 2023, Toronto, Canada

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The third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress (WNCD 2023) is scheduled to take place from June 25 to 30, 2023 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada.

The Congress will cover major NCDs (for example, Cardiovascular, Cancer, Diabetes, Respiratory, and Mental Illness) and their risk factors, through the lenses of traditional health sciences (basic research, clinical, epidemiology, physiology, neurosciences, public health, social and behavioural sciences) as well as policy, health promotion and use of modern application tools such as Big Data, Machine Language and Artificial Intelligence, Wearable Technologies to assess NCD, and more.

Dr Matta, Postdoctoral Scientist at the Branch of Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology will be presenting on the 30th June at 10:30.

Her oral presentation will cover Building capacity for health promoters: a pilot evaluation of the Cancer Prevention Europe multilingual online programme on primary and secondary prevention of cancer.

More information can be found here

Tobacco taxation policies for a smoke free Europe – 7 June 2023

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Fondazione Umberto Veronesi has the pleasure to organize the “Tobacco taxation policies for a smoke free Europe” on Wednesday 7 June, 18.30 – 20.00 CEST at the European Parliament, Brussels.

Dr Joachim Schüz, Branch Head, Section of Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology – International Agency for Research on Cancer will talk at 19.30 – 19.40.

The event will be streamed using this link

IARC marks European Week Against Cancer by expanding multilingual learning programme

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The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) marks European Week Against Cancer (25–31 May 2023), and the first anniversary of the release of the Cancer Prevention Europe multilingual online learning programme and evaluation, by expanding the Cancer Prevention Europe learning offering with four additional languages: German, Hungarian, Polish, and Spanish.

Please click here to have further information.

Radon and Cancer Risk on 1 June 2023, 18.00 – 19.15 CET

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This free webinar for healthcare professionals will focus on the important but little understood subject of radon and cancer, with subject expert Joachim Schüz, Branch Head of Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO). Moderator Dr. Lena Sharp (PrEvCan Project Lead)

More information can be found here

Cracking the Future of the European Code against Cancer (ECAC) – 24 November 2022, 14:15 – 13:30 CET (Webinar)

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This webinar planned on 24 November 2022, co-hosted with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), will cover the following:
• Brief overview of the EU’s work to mainstream cancer prevention
• Summary of the ECAC’s past editions, current edition, lessons learnt and impact
• Plans and progress on the development of the 5th edition of the ECAC consistent with the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
• Introduction to the EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention (a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan)
• Introduction to the EU4Health project BUMPER (Boosting the usability of the EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention)

Please register in advance here and like/share our posts on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

State-of-the-science on tobacco cessation interventions and tobacco prevention research-November 16 and 17, 2022 at INCa, France

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This workshop aims to bring together 40 American and European researchers and experts on the topic of tobacco.
3 themes will be discussed during these two days (presentations and discussions):
-Tobacco Use and Multiple Risk Behaviors
-Health disparity/hard to reach populations – challenges and promising interventions
-Tobacco Multiple Product use.
The main focus of these days will be to identify what we know, what we don’t know, and how to fill these gaps. The final objective will be to identify research priorities and build a research roadmap.

3rd International Conference on Cancer Prevention on October 26th & 27th, 2022 in Heidelberg

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On October 26th and 27th cancer prevention research community will gather at the DKFZ in Heidelberg: The 3rd International Conference on Cancer Prevention is planned as in-person event!

The International Conference on Cancer Prevention is an event series of the National Cancer Prevention Center (NCPC), and is a contribution of German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and German Cancer Aid to the National Decade Against Cancer in Germany.

Registration is now open, click here!